[vc_section content_layout=”full” animation_delay=”” disable=”” id=”” class=”” bg_type=”image” bg_image=”” color_overlay=”” enable_parallax=”” enable_pattern=””][vc_row content_layout=”boxed” equal_height=”” animation_delay=”” disable=”” id=”” class=”” bg_type=”image” bg_image=”” color_overlay=”” enable_parallax=”” enable_pattern=””][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=””][vu_heading style=”2″ heading=”Gingival Enlargements” subheading=”” alignment=”left” custom_colors=”” class=””][vc_column_text]Gingival enlargement is also termed as gingival overgrowth and is an abnormal increase in size of the gingiva. It can be due to plaque induced inflammation, heredity causes and drug intake.

  1. Antiepileptics used to treat seizures- Phenytoin, valproic acid.
  2. Calcium channel blockers used to treat high blood pressure – Nifedipine, amlodipine, verapamil
  3. Immunosuppresants – Cyclosporine A

[/vc_column_text][vu_heading style=”2″ heading=”Are these gingival enlargements treatable?” subheading=”” alignment=”left” custom_colors=”” class=””][vc_column_text]Yes. We at Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital assess the type of gingival enlargement. The initial treatment of choice for fibrotic or inflammatory is by non surgical approach (Phase 1 therapy)

The gingival enlargement is re-assessed after 2 weeks for surgical intervention.

[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner equal_height=”” animation_delay=”” disable=”” id=”” class=””][vc_column_inner vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=”” width=”1/2″][vu_image_box image=”4122″ ratio=”2:1″ title=”Pre-operative view showing plaque induced gingival enlargement” description=”” read_more_text=”Read More” link=”” class=””][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=”” width=”1/2″][vu_image_box image=”4123″ ratio=”2:1″ title=”Post-operative view showing esthetically pleasing gingival contour” description=”” read_more_text=”Read More” link=”” class=””][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]

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