Successful closure of alveolar cleft defect with bone graft

12 year old with cleft alveolus brought for surgical repair

The parents of this 12-year-old boy brought him to our hospital. They are from northern India. He had been born with a cleft lip, palate and alveolus. He had already undergone cleft lip and palate repair elsewhere as an infant. The alveolar cleft was a very large one. This caused the parents to be very concerned about their son’s present condition. They decided to turn to the Internet for a solution. A search for the best cleft aleveolus repair surgeon led them straight to our hospital.

Treatment plan presented followed by successful surgery

Cleft alveolus repair specialist, Dr SM Balaji decided on the treatment plan. He planned to close the defect with a bone graft. The cleft was first packed with costochondral bone graft and fixed using screws.

OPG showing the wide unilateral alveolar cleft defect
3D CBCT scan showing the wide unilateral alveolar cleft defect
Costochondral rib graft harvested
Costochondral graft site immediately after suturing
Gingivomucoperiosteal flap raised and the alveolar cleft defect was exposed
Alveolar cleft defect reconstructed with rib graft
Alveolar cleft defect site immediately after suturing

Successful outcome of the treatment process for the patient

After three months, the maxilla will fuse into one single bone. Replacement of missing teeth and orthodontic treatment will then achieve completion of treatment. The parents were very happy with the outcome of the surgery.
