Successful OKC resection and jaw reconstruction

Successful OKC resection and jaw reconstruction

This is a 32-year-old man from Palakkad. He complained of severe pain and swelling in his lower jaw. He also complained of difficulty opening his mouth and chewing food. He has been suffering from this condition for about four years now. He searched the Internet for the best jaw correction surgeon. His search led him straight to our hospital.
Dr SM Balaji examined the patient. He recommended comprehensive testing for the patient. Clinical, radiological and histopathological examinations were then performed. This led to the diagnosis of an odontogenic keratocyst. There was complete obliteration of the mandibular body.
Preoperative facial profile showing huge swelling in the lower half of the face
Preoperative facial view showing huge swelling in the lower half of the face
OPG showing extensive bone loss involving the body of the mandible
3DCT showing extensive loss of buccal cortex
Costochondral rib graft harvested to reconstruct the affected portion of mandible
Costochondral graft site immediately after suturing
Infected portion of mandible removed
Cystic lesion along with the affected bone and teeth removed in toto
Harvested rib graft used to reconstruct the entire body of the mandible using Ti plates and screws
Suturing after surgical reconstruction of lower jaw
Treatment plan included complete cyst resection and reconstruction of the lower jaw. This would be by utilizing costochondral grafts. The affected area of the lower jaw was then removed. This was along with the involved tooth to ensure zero recurrence. The costochondral rib grafts were then used to reconstruct the lower jaw. Titanium screws and plates helped achieve stable fixation of the grafts . The patient was very happy with the outcome of the surgery. There was no scar as all incisions were intraoral.
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