Flattened nose deformity caused by depressed bridge of the nose

A flattened bridge of the nose causes a flat nose deformity. This can lead to both esthetic and functional compromise. The bridge of the nose comprises of both the nasal bone and cartilage. A deficiency in either bone or cartilage can lead to a flat nose deformity. Patients with a flat nose can also have breathing difficulties. This can be the result of constricted nasal passages. Snoring during sleep is an indicator for constricted nasal passages. This can lead to daytime sleepiness and decreased productivity.

Rhinoplasty surgery for flat nose deformity correction

A flat nose deformity is set right by rhinoplasty surgery. This surgery is the nose job in layman’s terms. The aim of surgery is to raise the flattened bridge of the nose. This surgery is a plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery procedure. Rib grafts are the usual means to raise the flattened bridge. These grafts are first harvested after administration of general anesthesia. They are then crafted to the right size to fit into the bridge of the nose. Incisions are next made inside the nose. The purpose of intranasal incisions is to avoid visible scar formation. Best esthetic results are often the result of superior surgical technique. The graft is then tunneled up the nose through the incisions. This raises up the bridge of the nose, giving the patient a straight sharp nose.

Flat Nose Repair Rhinoplasty Surgery In India
Flat Nose Repair Rhinoplasty Surgeon In India