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ICD Conference 2018 & Annual Convocation and Awards Function

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[vc_section content_layout=”full” animation_delay=”” disable=”” id=”” class=”” bg_type=”image” bg_image=”” color_overlay=”” enable_parallax=”” enable_pattern=””][vc_row content_layout=”boxed” equal_height=”” animation_delay=”” disable=”” id=”” class=”” bg_type=”image” bg_image=”” color_overlay=”” enable_parallax=”” enable_pattern=””][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=””][vu_heading style=”2″ heading=”International College of Dentists Conference in Hyderabad” subheading=”” alignment=”left” custom_colors=”” class=””][vc_column_text]The International College of Dentists (ICD), Section VI – India, Nepal and Sri Lanka held its Conference, Annual Convocation and Awards Function at the Marriott in Hyderabad, India. Dr Bettie McKaig, President, ICD International, Dr OP Kharbanda, President, ICD Section VI and Dr Rajiv Chugh, Secretary General, ICD Section VI were present at the conference along with fellows of ICD Section VI and other luminaries in the field of dentistry.

The conference had a pre-conference workshop that was well attended by both students and practitioners alike. This was conducted by many international as well as national delegates.[/vc_column_text][vu_heading style=”2″ heading=”Honour for Dr SM Balaji” subheading=”” alignment=”left” custom_colors=”” class=””][vc_column_text]Dr SM Balaji, a renowned Chennai-based Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeon and Fellow, International College of Dentists, was honored at this year’s conference for his contributions towards the rehabilitation of children afflicted with craniofacial deformities. His services to humanity were lauded by the ICD Section VI.[/vc_column_text][vu_heading style=”2″ heading=”Dr SM Balaji meets with student delegates from Bangladesh” subheading=”” alignment=”left” custom_colors=”” class=””][vc_column_text]Student delegates from Bangladesh met with Dr SM Balaji and interacted with him at the conference. He answered all their queries related to career development and how to balance their social responsibilities and their dental career. The students expressed their thankfulness and appreciation to him for having provided them with sound advice.[/vc_column_text][vu_heading style=”2″ heading=”Paper Presentation at the conference by Dr Balaji” subheading=”” alignment=”left” custom_colors=”” class=””][vc_column_text]Dr SM Balaji delivered the keynote lecture at the conference. The topic of his lecture was Rhinoplasty Surgery – Correction of Nasal Deformities. He presented many cases from his more than 25 years experience as a rhinoplasty specialist and explained the nuances of nasal deformity correction. His lecture was widely appreciated by the audience. The lecture was followed by a lively question and answer session with the audience.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row content_layout=”boxed” equal_height=”” animation_delay=”” disable=”” id=”” class=”” bg_type=”image” bg_image=”” color_overlay=”” enable_parallax=”” enable_pattern=””][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=”” width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”6188″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=”” width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”6189″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column layout=”normal” vertical_align=”top” animation_delay=”” width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”6190″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][/vc_row][/vc_section]

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