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Supraorbital rim Fracture Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) Surgery

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Patient suffers a comminuted frontal bone fracture from trauma

The patient suffered a trauma to the right supraorbital region. This resulted in a comminuted fracture of the supraorbital region with involvement of the rim. He presented to our hospital for definitive management of his fracture.

Examination of the patient with treatment plan presentation

Dr SM Balaji, facial trauma care specialist, examined the patient and ordered a 3D CT scan of the region. This demonstrated a comminuted supraorbital fracture of the frontal bone. The treatment plan was then explained to the patient who consented to surgery.

Surgical correction of comminuted frontal bone fracture with four hole plates

Under general anesthesia, the fracture was first approached through a supratarsal fold incision. The supraorbital rim fracture segments were then elevated and stabilized. Two Titanium four hole plates and screws were then used to fix the rim fracture. Another incision was then made superior to the left eyebrow. The supraorbital fracture segments were then elevated and stabilized. Another four hole plate was then utilized to fix the supraorbital fracture segments. Both incisions were then closed with sutures. Care was taken to protect the supraorbital nerve throughout the surgery.

Successful rehabilitation of the patient after comminuted frontal bone fracture

There was no residual deformity of the region after surgery. The patient expressed total satisfaction at the results of the surgery before discharge.

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