How to Choose the Best Jaw Surgery Hospital in India

How to Choose the Best Jaw Surgery Hospital in India

How to Choose the Best Jaw Surgery Hospital in IndiaNew

India Becomes the Destination of Choice for Medical Tourism

Medical infrastructure has always been very robust in India. It has been the destination of choice for many from around the world for medical tourism for over two decades now. There are many factors that have played a role in establishing India’s reputation as the preferred choice for people opting for medical tourism.

Importance paid to Self Reliance in the Healthcare Sector

India has developed the best educational system for training doctors compared to most countries in the world. This has led to the development of medical infrastructure in the nation that rivals the very best in the world. It has the unique distinction of offering world-class treatment at a fraction of the cost at which it is available in the developed nations.

Many checks and balances have been put in place to ensure that the quality of care available in private hospitals is of the highest standard. Certification by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) is provided to hospitals that meet the rigorous standards set for excellence in healthcare.

Another advantage enjoyed by India is regarding language. English is widely spoken around India. Patients who opt for medical tourism in India do not face communication difficulties like in other parts of the world like Korea, China, Japan, etc.

Excellence in the Field of Cosmetic Surgery

The surgical superspecialty of facial cosmetic surgery has seen a surge of patients coming to India from all around the globe. Our hospital is the preferred destination for patients seeking the best jaw surgery hospital in India. We have performed corrective jaw surgery for over 30 years now with over 10000 patients being benefitted by surgery at the best jaw surgery hospital in India.

Advantages of Undergoing Surgery at the Best Jaw Surgery Hospital in India

Jaw plastic surgery cost in India is just a fraction of what it costs in the more developed nations in the world. The infrastructure in our hospital is equal to the best in the world with two fully equipped ultramodern operating theatres. Dr. SM Balaji is often hailed as the best jaw surgeon in India. He has provided consistent surgical excellence for our hospital to be considered the best jaw surgery hospital in India.

Our specially trained staff ably assist him and provide patient care that is second to none. We also offer the most hospitable experience for patients during their stay in the hospital. Interpreters are provided for patients who face language barriers. This ensures that they have the best possible experience during their stay in our hospital for corrective jaw surgery and other such procedures.

Specialty Surgical Procedures Performed in our Hospital

Our hospital is a comprehensive surgical center for corrective jaw surgery in India. We specialize in every surgical procedure that is required for the correction of jaw deformities. Facial asymmetry surgery for correction of jaw deformities has seen many patients being rehabilitated to a life of complete normalcy.

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthognathic surgeons, and plastic surgeons can all be considered cosmetic surgeons. Allied with orthodontic treatment, they aid in the correction of open bite, sleep apnea and long-term follow-up for their patients. They perform upper jaw correction through orthognathic surgery as well as osteotomy procedures.

Our hospital is a superspecialty center for distraction osteogenesis in India. Correction of maxillary and mandibular deformities is achieved through internal distraction osteogenesis. We were one of the pioneers of distraction osteogenesis of the jaws in India. Complex jaw deformities usually result in not only cosmetic compromise but also functional compromise for the patient.

Jaw reconstruction surgery is another specialty procedure, which addresses a wide variety of problems for the patient. There are many pathological conditions of the jaws that can result in the destruction of the bony tissue of the jaws. These include dentigerous cyst, odontogenic keratocyst, ameloblastoma and a variety of cancers that affect the bone

Deformities of the TMJ are extremely debilitating for the patient and can result in a seriously compromised quality of life for the patient. This can include chronic dislocation of the joint, ankylosis of the joint, destruction of the jaw joint due to various pathological processes and trauma. Our hospital is a specialty center for TMJ reconstruction surgery in India.

Our hospital is also a research center for the advancement of jaw surgery in India. Many surgical innovations in corrective jaw surgery have originated from the research studies performed in our hospital. The work done in our hospital has won many accolades and awards around the world.

Pediatric jaw surgery performed for the correction of deformities and abnormalities has rehabilitated the scores of children in our hospital. We have over 25 years of experience in corrective jaw surgery in children. There is a dedicated team of medical and paramedical staff in our hospital who have extensive experience in handling all varieties of jaw deformities seen in children.

We were one of the pioneers in establishing medical tourism for the best jaw plastic surgery in India. Patients from all over the world including from the developed Western nations come to our hospital for reconstructive jaw surgery. Our hospital has tie-ups with many international hospitals around the world and acts as a tertiary referral center for specialized jaw surgery.

Being the best jaw surgery hospital in India allied with economical jaw plastic surgery cost in India is a hard-earned reputation. Also delivering seamless world-class specialty surgical care ensures that we are a destination of choice for patients who wish to undergo jaw surgery in India.

5 Important Points you should know about Jaw Reconstruction Surgery

5 Important Points you should know about Jaw Reconstruction Surgery

Jaw Reconstruction Surgery cost in India

Jaw reconstruction, otherwise known as orthognathic surgery, is a procedure for correcting or adjusting any kind of jaw abnormalities. In certain cases, problems with the bite or alignment of the teeth may be corrected using jaw correction techniques of dental and orthodontic care. This is a specialized method of correcting any structural defects of the jaw.

There are a number of ways in which such defects can occur; automobile accidents are the most common. Jaw repair is a technique used to address jaw disorders such as open bites, trouble chewing, difficulty swallowing, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain disorder, severe wear of teeth in the jaw, and receding chins. It can also be used to address serious orthodontic issues affecting the relationship between the teeth and the jaws, including the correction of under-bites and congenital abnormalities related to the formation of the jaw. It may also help to relieve sleep apnea, a potentially life-threatening disease.

Best Maxillofacial Surgeon In India
Lower Jaw Retrusion

5 Important Points on Jaw Reconstruction

What is Jaw Reconstruction Surgery?

Jaw reconstruction surgery is performed for the correction of jaw deformities. It can either be for cosmetic reasons, improve function or correct a deformity arising from an underlying disease process.

What are the various conditions of the jaws that can be corrected by jaw reconstruction surgery?

Jaw deformities include excessive jaw size or bony deficiency of the jaws. These can either be idiopathic (without any underlying cause) or could be the result of an abnormality. Jaw reduction surgery is performed for the correction of excessive jaw size (maxillary and mandibular prognathism). Jaw augmentation surgery is performed when there is a bony deficiency.

Which disease processes most commonly require jaw reconstruction surgery?

Tumours, cysts, traumatic injuries and syndromic deformities of the jaws are the most common underlying conditions that lead to bony deficiency requiring reconstructive jaw surgery.

What are the various technique and methods that are used for jaw reconstruction surgery?

There are various surgical techniques that are utilized for jaw reconstruction. These include utilizing grafts, reconstruction plates and distraction osteogenesis. Grafts can range from those harvested from the patients themselves to biosynthetic materials. Distraction osteogenesis uses the principle of new bone generation to help lengthen deficient jawbone.

Which surgeons are best qualified to obtain the optimal results from jaw reconstruction surgery?

Experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons who have dealt with a multitude of jaw deformities obtain the best functional and cosmetic results from these procedures. Jaw reconstruction truly transforms the quality of life of the patient.

Jaw reconstruction surgery cost in India

Any cosmetic procedure is a significant investment. Having agreed to undergo orthognathic surgery, you might naturally ask, ‘How much is the cost of orthognathic surgery? The cost of surgery varies from patient to patient, depending on the extent of the reconstruction. In India, plastic surgery can be used at a fraction of the cost in other countries without compromising the standard of treatment.

The cost of jaw surgery in India ranges from INR 50,000 to INR 3,000,000 depending on the complexity of the surgery to be performed.

Successful OKC resection and jaw reconstruction

Successful OKC resection and jaw reconstruction

This is a 32-year-old man from Palakkad. He complained of severe pain and swelling in his lower jaw. He also complained of difficulty opening his mouth and chewing food. He has been suffering from this condition for about four years now. He searched the Internet for the best jaw correction surgeon. His search led him straight to our hospital.
Dr SM Balaji examined the patient. He recommended comprehensive testing for the patient. Clinical, radiological and histopathological examinations were then performed. This led to the diagnosis of an odontogenic keratocyst. There was complete obliteration of the mandibular body.
Treatment plan included complete cyst resection and reconstruction of the lower jaw. This would be by utilizing costochondral grafts. The affected area of the lower jaw was then removed. This was along with the involved tooth to ensure zero recurrence. The costochondral rib grafts were then used to reconstruct the lower jaw. Titanium screws and plates helped achieve stable fixation of the grafts . The patient was very happy with the outcome of the surgery. There was no scar as all incisions were intraoral.

Cleft Orthognathic Surgery, LeFort I Advancement for Bilateral Cleft Lip and palate Surgery

Cleft Orthognathic Surgery, LeFort I Advancement for Bilateral Cleft Lip and palate Surgery

Young Nepali girl with extreme crossbite of the jaws

This teenage girl from Kathmandu, Nepal was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Her parents brought her to our hospital for correction of her deformities. She had undergone cleft lip repair at two months of age and cleft palate surgery at 10 months of age. She had surgery with rhBMP-2 for repair of her cleft alveolar bone at 4-1/2 years. This was to repair and unite the maxilla, which was in three segments. She had developed an anterior crossbite due to deficient growth of the maxilla. As a result, she has had difficulty with eating and speech all her life because of her crossbite. Her parents decided to get her problem corrected through surgery. They then brought her back again to our hospital for correction of her problem.

Treatment planning for crossbite correction

Prof SM Balaji, Cranio-maxillofacial surgeon, examined the patient. The patient was very familiar to him as he was her surgeon since her infancy. He ordered a 3D axial CT scan and other pertinent studies. Once he had decided on the treatment plan, he explained it to the parents and the patient. They were in complete agreement with his plan of treatment.

Surgical correction of the patient’s crossbite

A maxillary vestibular incision was first made after induction of general anesthesia. A maxillary osteotomy was then performed. The osteotomized maxilla was then advanced forwards to correct the anterior crossbite. This was done utilizing two plates on each side with four screws per plate. It was for stabilizing the maxillary bone during the healing period. The bite was then checked and there was complete correction of the crossbite. Incisions were then closed with sutures.

The patient expressed complete satisfaction with the results of the surgery.

Surgery Video

OKC – Odontogenic Keratocyst Hemimandibulectomy with total Reconstruction of Jaw (Ramus & Body of Mandible)

OKC – Odontogenic Keratocyst Hemimandibulectomy with total Reconstruction of Jaw (Ramus & Body of Mandible)

 The patient’s presentation and history:

This young 13-year-old Northeastern girl was brought to Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital, Teynampet, Chennai, by her parents for treatment of a painless swelling involving the right side of her lower jaw that had been present for over a year.

Her parents had not taken this slowly developing swelling seriously for a very long time and had neglected going to a doctor. It was only when it had grown to a very large size that they decided to seek medical help for their daughter.

Search for a good surgeon:

They had approached many hospitals throughout India, including premier surgical centers in other metropolitan cities, but had been turned away because of the extent of the lesion in her mandible. It was only after many months of futile search that they were finally referred to Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital in Chennai for management of their daughter’s condition.

Initial visits with Dr SM Balaji:

Dr SM Balaji, Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeon, examined the patient and ordered extensive investigations including 3D axial CT scans. Radiographic studies revealed the presence of an odontogenic keratocyst in the right side of the mandible, which involved both the ramus and the body of the mandible. It had spread so extensively that it had completely breached through the cortical bone of the ramus of the mandible into the soft tissues surrounding it.

Dr. Balaji explained to the patient and her parents that except for the condylar region, the right side of the mandible would have to be completely removed because of the extent of the lesion. He further explained that the mandible would then be reconstructed using a titanium plate with costochondral rib grafts obtained at the same surgery. The parents were in full agreement with this treatment plan and the patient was scheduled for surgery.

Obtaining Rib Grafts:

After the successful induction of general anesthesia, two costochondral rib grafts were harvested from the patient. The incision was then closed in layers after a Valsalva maneuver demonstrated absence of perforation into the thoracic cavity.

Reconstructive Surgery:

A right sided mucogingival flap was then raised and reflected down to the vestibular sulcus.  The flap was reflected until the affected areas involving the body of the mandible was exposed. An extraoral incision was then made at the region of the angle of the mandible and dissection was carried down to the ramus. The bone in the affected regions was extremely soft and friable.

A hemimandibulectomy was then performed with complete removal of the affected segment of the mandible. Reconstruction of the mandible was then performed with use of the costochondral rib grafts and the titanium plate. The incisions were then sutured close and the patient recovered uneventfully from general anesthesia.

Postoperative Period:

The patient and her parents expressed their thankfulness to Dr SM Balaji before being discharged from the hospital.

Surgery Video